
Autor Thema: Antineoplaston- Therapie  (Gelesen 11670 mal)

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Antineoplaston- Therapie
« am: 20. März 2007, 17:45:29 »
hat sich jemand schon mal mit dieser Therapieform beschäftigt und vielleicht interessante Infos gefunden?
Anscheinend werden Hirntumorpatienten behandelt.
Gruß, Jo

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Re:Antineoplaston- Therapie
« Antwort #1 am: 21. März 2007, 08:59:57 »

mir gings drum zu suchen, ob es mehr Daten dazu gibt, oder ob es sich hauptsächlich um die Idee eines einzelnen Arztes handelt.

Gruß, Jo


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Re:Antineoplaston- Therapie
« Antwort #2 am: 21. März 2007, 09:23:51 »
Das ist der Artikel, auf den Jo verwies:

Quelle: Integr Cancer Ther. 2006 Mar;5(1):40-7.

Titel: Targeted therapy with antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 of high-grade, recurrent, and progressive brainstem glioma.
Autoren: Burzynski SR,
Janicki TJ,
Weaver RA,
Burzynski B.

Department of Internal Medicine, Burzynski Clinic, Houston, Texas 77055, USA. srb@burzynskiclinic.com

Zitat: BACKGROUND: Brainstem glioma carries the worst prognosis of all malignancies of the brain. Most patients with brainstem glioma fail standard radiation therapy and chemotherapy and do not survive longer than 2 years. Treatment is even more challenging when an inoperable tumor is of high-grade pathology (HBSG). The objective of this report is to summarize the outcome of patients with HBSG treated with antineoplastons in 4 phase 2 trials. Patients: The following group of 18 patients was evaluable: 4 patients with glioblastomas and 14 patients with anaplastic HBSG. Fourteen patients had diffuse intrinsic tumors. Twelve patients suffered from recurrence, and 6 patients did not have radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

METHODS: Antineoplastons, which consist of antineoplaston A10 (A10I) and AS2-1 injections, were given in escalating doses by intravenous injections. The median duration of antineoplaston administration was 5 months, and the average dosage of A10I was 9.22 g/kg/d and of AS2-1 was 0.31 g/kg/d. Responses were assessed by gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography.

RESULTS: The overall survival at 2 and 5 years was 39% and 22%, respectively, and maximum survival was more than 17 years for a patient with anaplastic astrocytoma and more than 5 years for a patient with glioblastoma. Progression-free survival at 6 months was 39%. Complete response was achieved in 11%, partial response in 11%, stable disease in 39%, and progressive disease in 39% of patients. Antineoplastons were tolerated very well with 1 case of grade 4 toxicity (reversible anemia).

CONCLUSION: Antineoplastons contributed to more than a 5-year survival in recurrent diffuse intrinsic glioblastomas and anaplastic astrocytomas of the brainstem in a small group of patients.

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Re:Antineoplaston- Therapie
« Antwort #3 am: 22. März 2007, 16:23:02 »

habe die Klinik mal angeschrieben und promt eine Info über Ablauf, Kosten und einige Studienergebnisse zugeschickt bekommen.

Patients with brain tumours can be treated only under Dr. Burzynski's
direct care and it will be most likely intravenous treatment. This means
that those patients will have  to come to the US for 3-4 weeks in order
to begin the treatment. Then the treatment which often lasts for a year
or even longer may be continued under the care of a local physician.
For children we require a care of pediatric oncologist.

Treatment cost varies and depends on the type of cancer, patient's
condition and body weight. To start the intravenous treatment a deposit
of $18-20,000 is required, than the montly fee will be $7,600. To start
oral treatment deposit of $8-14,000 is required and later monthly fee
will be $4,600.
The intravenous form of treatment requires use of a 2-channel infusion
pump ($6,000 - included in the above initial deposit). The intravenous
medication is usually forwarded every month, and the oral medication
every 1-3 months.  Federal Express is the preferred forwarding courier.
Shipping within continental US and Canada is included in the montly fee.
The cost of shipping outside US and Canada ($100 - 1,500) is charged
to the patient's credit card or to a Federal Express account. Always
check with the patient coordinator what would be your approximate

Das komplette Schreiben ist sehr sachlich abgefasst, es geht um die Diagnose, Befunde,Vorbehandlung, Werte des möglichen Patienten usw.
Die differenzierte Kostenaufstellung ist für uns "seltsam", in Amerika wohl durchaus üblich.

Informationen über: inter.adam@burzynskiclinic.com

Was von dieser Form der Behandlung zu halten ist, kann ich nicht beurteilen ,wollte nur sehen ob eine Behandlung in Deutschland möglich ist....
Gruß Jo

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