
Autor Thema: Neue Behandlungsmöglichkeit bei Krebs  (Gelesen 4733 mal)

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Neue Behandlungsmöglichkeit bei Krebs
« am: 12. Januar 2010, 21:11:04 »

New target discovered for treatment of cancer
Researchers at the Swedish medical university Karolinska Institute have discovered a new way of blocking the formation of blood vessels and halting the growth of tumours in mice. A substance that exploits this mechanism could be developed into a new treatment for cancer.
For a cancer tumour to be able to grow larger than the size of a pea, the cancer cells need to stimulate the formation of new blood vessels that can supply the tumour with oxygen and nutrients, a process known as angiogenesis. A number of medicines which inhibit angiogenesis have been developed, but their effect has been limited, and there is still a major need for better medicines.
Schwedische Forschern haben eine Möglichkeit entdeckt, die Formation von Blutvenen zu blockieren und das Wachstum von Tumoren in Mäusen aufzuhalten,



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