
Autor Thema: Fettreiche ketogene Diät zur Eindämmung von Krämpfen langfristig ungefährlich  (Gelesen 6190 mal)

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High-fat ketogenic diet to control seizures is safe over long term

Current and former patients treated with the high-fat ketogenic diet to control multiple, daily and severe seizures can be reassured by the news that not only is the diet effective, but it also appears to have no long-lasting side effects, say scientists at Johns Hopkins Children's Center.


The evidence is based on a study of 101 patients ages 2 to 26 years treated with the ketogenic diet for a minimum of 16 months and for up to eight years at Hopkins Children's between 1993 and 2008. At the time of the follow-up, patients were off the diet anywhere between eight months and 14 years. Nearly 80 percent of the patients remained either seizure-free or had their seizures reduced by half. Most patients' seizures did not worsen even years after stopping the diet



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Offline Jo

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bisher wurde bei der ketogenen Diät für Tumorerkrankte oft darauf hingewiesen, dass diese Form der Ernährung möglicherweise nicht dauerhaft durchgeführt werden kann. Vielleicht gibts da auch bald neue Informationen.
Gruß, Jo


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