erst mal möchte ich sagen, dass ich dieses Forum einfach genial finde.

Als ich vor fast einem Jahr mit der Recherche über Meningeome angefangen habe, gab es dieses Forum glaube ich noch nicht, und ich habe seitdem nur immer wieder dieselben Seiten besucht. War ein Fehler.
Zu dieser Studie: Man hat's schon nicht leicht mit mal. Men.
Da gibt es diese Studie mit dem Satz:
"Three of these 5 patients initially received less than 54 Gy to the tumor bed and have died of recurrent disease."
Da will man sich doch gleich bestrahlen lassen. Aber halt!
Da gab es doch noch die andere Studie:
Is stereotactic radiotherapy adequate treatment for atypical and malignant meningiomas?
Simon S Lo, Kwan H Cho, Walter A Hall, Wilson L Hernandez, Kimberly K McCollow, Judy Unger, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Objective: To evaluate whether stereotactic radiotherapy alone is an adequate treatment for recurrent atypical and malignant meningiomas.
Method: From 1992 to 2000, 10 patients with 16 recurrent atypical (A) or malignant (M) meningiomas (5 A and 11 M) were treated with stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) or fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRT). Patients with tumors greater than 4 cm or closer than 5 mm to the optic apparatus were chosen for FSRT. The SRS doses ranged from 1200 cGy at 50% to 4500 cGy at 50% and the FSRT doses ranged from 4500 cGy at 85% in 25 fractions to 5000 cGy at 90% in 20 fractions. A 2 mm margin was placed around the target as defined on the computerized tomography. The median follow-up ranged from 3 months to 66 months. Five patients had external beam radiation therapy to the same areas previously. All patients had radiologic follow-up with magnetic resonance imaging.
Result: The 5-year actuarial tumor control was 31%. Five (50%) of the 10 patients developed recurrence. Two (40%) of the five patients who developed recurrence had disease recurring in the area outside the treated areas with no evidence of local recurrence. The time to recurrence ranged from 3 to 66 months. Three patients recurred after more than 3 years. The crude tumor shrinkage rate was 19%. The crude local progression rate was 31%.
Result: Our analysis showed that stereotactic therapy alone for the treatment of atypical and malignant was associated with poor tumor control. The suboptimal local control and the propensity of A and M for regional recurrence warrant the investigation of more aggressive and innovative therapies. The potential long latency for tumor recurrence underscores the importance of long-term follow-up of these patients.
Was soll ich denn nun glauben/tun?