
Autor Thema: Riesenzell-Glioblastom  (Gelesen 5787 mal)

Offline Bluebird

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« am: 09. Juni 2010, 21:40:31 »
Giant cell glioblastoma
The giant cell glioblastoma is a histological variant of glioblastoma, presenting a prevalence of bizarre, multinucleated (more than 20 nuclei) giant (up to 400 μm diameter) cells.
It occasionally shows an abundant stromal reticulin network and presents a high frequency of TP53 gene mutations.[1][2]
Symptoms and sign are similar to those of the ordinary glioblastoma. Methodology of diagnosis and treatment are the same.
Prognosis is similar to the ordinary glioblastoma (about 12 months).[3] Some authors (see later) refer cases with a slightly better outcome.

The giant cell glioblastoma is a rare neoplasia: its incidence is less than 1% of all brain tumors. It represents up to 5% of glioblastomas.[9]

Most patients with giant cell glioblastoma have unfavourable prognosis,[12] but some authors report clinical results slightly better than the ordinary glioblastoma, in all probability because this variant seems less infiltrative, due to the nature of giant cells of this type.[1]


Der Link weist auf das eher selten auftretende Riesenzell-Glioblastom hin, das 1 % aller hirneigenen Tumore und 5 % der Glioblastome repräsentiert

« Letzte Änderung: 13. April 2011, 09:34:40 von KarlNapf »
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.
The second best time is NOW.
(Chinesisches Sprichwort)


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