
Autor Thema: Shortcut through eyelid gives surgeons less-invasive approach to fix brain fluid  (Gelesen 5778 mal)

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Shortcut through eyelid gives surgeons less-invasive approach to fix brain fluid leaks

Surgeons at Johns Hopkins have safely and effectively operated inside the brains of a dozen patients by making a small entry incision through the natural creases of an eyelid to reach the skull and deep brain.

They say access to the skull and brain through either lid, formally known as a transpalpebral orbitofrontal craniotomy, sharply contrasts with the more laborious, physically damaging and invasive, traditional means of entry used in brain surgery that requires opening the top half of the skull.

"Going through the eyelid offers a simpler, more direct route to the middle and front regions of the brain than traditional skull-based surgery," says lead study investigator and facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Kofi Boahene, M.D.


« Letzte Änderung: 09. Juni 2010, 17:20:33 von Bluebird »
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.
The second best time is NOW.
(Chinesisches Sprichwort)


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